AutomatorWP Advanced Custom Fields

Version 1.0.6 Updated on September 10, 2024

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AutomatorWP Advanced Custom Fields

The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) add-on for AutomatorWP is a powerful integration that allows you to automate workflows and tasks using custom fields created with ACF. This add-on enables you to leverage the flexibility of ACF to create complex automation rules and workflows, making it an ideal solution for WordPress developers and site administrators.

Key Features

  1. Seamless ACF Integration: Integrate ACF custom fields with AutomatorWP, allowing you to use custom field values in automation rules.
  2. Conditional Logic: Create complex conditional logic rules using ACF custom fields to determine when to trigger automation workflows.
  3. Dynamic Field Values: Use ACF custom field values to dynamically populate fields, send emails, or perform other automation tasks.
  4. Flexible Automation: Automate a wide range of tasks, including user management, content creation, and notification sending, using ACF custom fields.
  5. Enhanced Workflow Management: Streamline workflow management by automating repetitive tasks and decisions based on ACF custom field values.


  1. Increased Automation Flexibility: Leverage ACF custom fields to create complex automation rules and workflows.
  2. Improved Workflow Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks and decisions, reducing manual intervention and minimizing errors.
  3. Enhanced Customization: Use ACF custom fields to create highly customized automation workflows tailored to your specific needs.
  4. Simplified Decision-Making: Automate decision-making processes based on ACF custom field values, ensuring consistent and accurate outcomes.

Target Audience

The Advanced Custom Fields add-on for AutomatorWP is ideal for:

  1. WordPress developers
  2. Site administrators
  3. Automation specialists
  4. Anyone looking to integrate ACF custom fields with automation workflows


The Advanced Custom Fields add-on for AutomatorWP is a powerful integration that enables you to automate complex workflows and tasks using custom fields created with ACF. With its seamless integration, conditional logic, and dynamic field values, it’s an ideal choice for WordPress developers and site administrators looking to streamline workflow management and increase automation flexibility.


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