Uncanny LearnDash Enrollment Codes

Version 4.4 Updated on May 25, 2024

Or buy single with 1 year manual updates

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $2.80.

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Uncanny LearnDash Enrollment Codes

Uncanny LearnDash Enrollment Codes is a WordPress plugin designed to simplify the process of enrolling students in LearnDash courses using unique enrollment codes. The plugin provides a flexible and customizable way to manage course enrollments, making it easier to sell courses, offer promotions, and track student registrations.

Key Features

  • Generate Unique Enrollment Codes: Create unique codes for each course, group, or individual student.
  • Code Redemption: Students can redeem codes to enroll in courses, with automatic email notifications and course access.
  • Code Management: Easily manage codes, including code creation, editing, and deletion.
  • Code Types: Support for different code types, such as single-use, multi-use, and subscription-based codes.
  • Code Expiration: Set expiration dates for codes, ensuring they can only be redeemed within a specific timeframe.
  • Code Limits: Limit the number of times a code can be redeemed, or set a maximum number of students per code.
  • Integration with LearnDash: Seamless integration with LearnDash, allowing for automatic course enrollment and access.
  • Customizable Emails: Customize email notifications for code redemption, course enrollment, and expiration reminders.

Use Cases

  • Course Sales: Sell courses with unique enrollment codes, making it easy to track sales and student registrations.
  • Promotions and Discounts: Offer limited-time promotions or discounts using unique codes, driving sales and increasing engagement.
  • Corporate Training: Provide companies with unique codes for their employees, simplifying the enrollment process and tracking progress.
  • Gift Courses: Offer gift courses with unique codes, allowing recipients to redeem and access courses easily.


Uncanny LearnDash Enrollment Codes is a powerful plugin that streamlines the process of enrolling students in LearnDash courses using unique enrollment codes. With its flexible code management, customizable emails, and seamless integration with LearnDash, the plugin is ideal for course creators, educators, and businesses looking to simplify course sales, promotions, and student registrations.


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